What Taurus Season Will Bring for your Zodiac Sign
Photographed by Joelle Beauchamp of Kailyn Walsh
Styled by Marc Woodworth
By Brynn Beauchamp
The sun enters the Zodiac sign of Taurus on April 20th, 2023 and will move out of Taurus and into Gemini the 21st of May. Taurus season encourages us to enrich our lives by slowing down and focusing on simple pleasures, so get excited to sleep in and indulge in some extra self-care! During Taurus season this year, there is a solar eclipse in Scorpio expected to occur on May 5th, which is bound to bring up some sudden changes and revelations. All signs should be prepared to go through a transformation of some sort this season. Other occurrences in the sky this season include: Mercury retrograde from April 21st to May 14th, which means you should be cautious of miscommunication, as this is common in these cycles. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius will last from May 1st through October 11th, meaning we will be ending the month by releasing some toxic traits and cycles. Here’s what Taurus season 2023 has in store specifically for your sun sign.
Aries (March 20 - April 19)
Taurus season is a time when people tend to focus on stability, security, and building foundations. This energy may be a bit different from the fast-paced, action-oriented energy that Aries usually thrives in. During Taurus season 2023, Aries may feel a bit more grounded and stable than usual, which could be a welcomed change of pace. This could be a good time to focus on building a solid foundation in areas of life that are important to you, whether that be in relationships, career, or personal growth. However, Taurus energy can also be a bit stubborn and resistant to change, which could create some challenges for an Aries who thrives on taking risks and trying new things. It will be important for Aries to find a balance between their natural tendency towards action and the need for stability and security during this time. Overall, this season is all about slowing down and focusing on building a strong foundation for future endeavors, Aries, so it is the perfect time for patience, persistence, and hard work. Ultimately, the rewards will be worth it.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Happy birthday, Taurus! This season is all about rebirth for you. It's a special year, with two retrogrades (Mercury and Pluto) occurring during your month and an eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 that's asking you to surrender to the transformations occurring within and around you. As a fixed sign, these changes and surprises may seem scary to you, but you should be spending your birth month manifesting your best-case scenario. The earthly energies of Taurus season are likely to resonate with you strongly, and you may feel more grounded and secure during this time. You may also feel more patient and persistent than usual, and willing to put in the hard work required to achieve your goals. At the same time, Taurus energy can also be a bit stubborn and resistant to change, which could create some challenges for you if you find yourself feeling stuck in old patterns or routines. It will be important for you to stay open to new ideas and opportunities, even if they challenge your sense of security or stability. Remember to stay grounded and true to yourself, while remaining open to new experiences and opportunities that come your way.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
As a Gemini, you may find the stable and secure energy of Taurus season a bit challenging, as you tend to prefer variety and change over stability and routine. This time will be activating your sector of healing, making you more spiritually attuned ahead of your birthday season. During Taurus season 2023, you may find yourself feeling a bit more grounded and focused on building a solid foundation in various areas of your life. This could be a good time to take a step back and evaluate your goals, making sure that they align with your values and priorities. This is a great time for you, Gemini, to break bad habits that have made you feel stuck or have prevented you from growing. You are encouraged to be more mindful of what you consume, and what you may be trying to escape from. At the same time, you may also feel a bit frustrated by the slower pace and the resistance to change that often comes with Taurus energy. It will be important for you to find ways to stay engaged and motivated, even if the energy around you feels a bit stagnant.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
As a Cancer, the energy of this season is likely to resonate with you, as you value stability and security in your life and relationships. While Aries season was all about careers, you will be changing directions this season to focus on your friendships. Prepare to cultivate more harmony and consistency in your relationships. This period is a good time to focus on your home, family, and other areas that provide you with a sense of security and comfort. You may also find that your intuition and emotional intelligence are heightened during this time, allowing you to easily make important decisions and connections with others. However, as the energy of Taurus season can be a bit stagnant and resistant to change, it will be important for you to find a balance between your need for stability and your willingness to adapt to new situations and opportunities. Overall, Taurus season 2023 is the perfect time for you to focus on staying true to your intuitive and emotional nature. Continue to take care of yourself and your loved ones, while remaining open to new opportunities and experiences that may come your way.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
This season may leave you feeling a bit restless, Leo, as Taurus tends to square off with your energy. You might find this time challenging, as you tend to enjoy the spotlight and taking risks, and this season brings about energy of stability and security. However, this pressure can help you thrive, and you’ll be feeling more career focused. This is the perfect time to apply for dream jobs and work towards your goals. You may need to focus on practical matters and building a solid foundation in various areas of your life. It will be important for you to find ways to stay engaged and motivated, even if the energy around you feels slow and stagnant. Be mindful of your temper if things go off track, stay calm and composed, even in times of unexpected change, this will be extremely beneficial for you. Remember to stay true to yourself and your passions, while also being open to new experiences that you attract.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
As a Virgo, you will relate to the spirit of this season, as you value practicality and organization in your life. This will be an expansive time for you, and Taurus season is the time to explore new interests. You may be motivated to travel, if not literally, then you may travel through your intellectual explorations, such as through literature. You may also find that your analytical and detail-oriented nature is heightened during this time, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and take action to address them. As much as you love routine, you may be inspired to switch things up. You may even find a new routine that works for you. During this season, it will be important for you to find a balance between your need for stability and your willingness to adapt to new situations and opportunities.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
This is a time for collaboration, Libra. Whether you’re searching for financial or creative collaborations, try to find people who share your vision. You should apply for scholarships, grants, jobs, or sponsorships that you’re interested in pursuing during Taurus season. You may find the energy of this time a bit challenging, as you tend to enjoy balance and harmony in your life, and often struggle with decision-making. Nevertheless, you will most likely feel and look good this season, as Venus, yours and Taurus’s planetary ruler, will be in Pisces. You may also find that your creativity and artistic sensibilities are heightened during this time, which could be a positive outlet for you as you navigate the practical demands of Taurus season. This period will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, and to stay true to your values and your desire for balance and harmony.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
As a Scorpio, you may find the practical and stable energy of Taurus season difficult, as you tend to resonate with, and focus on transformation and change. You may feel a bit restless and eager for change, which could create some tension as you navigate the slower pace and the resistance to change that often comes with Taurus energy. It will be important for you to find ways to channel your intense energy and passion into constructive activities during this time, such as focusing on creative projects, developing new skills, or deepening your relationships with loved ones. Scorpios are going to notice their love lives becoming more sensual, passionate, and somewhat dramatic this season. Your Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and North Node will all be in your partnership sector, making people feel more drawn towards you. However, you’ll be feeling slightly more selective. This may be the time when you either deepen bonds with someone you love or form a strong connection with someone new.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
This season it will be beneficial for you to become more focused on improving all aspects of your health, Sag. This includes mental, physical and spiritual health. Although your desire for new experiences and adventure can be overwhelming at times, you will need to find a way to balance these needs with the practical demands of building a strong base in which you can build your future. This involves setting realistic goals and taking small steps towards achieving them. However, it is important for you to pace yourself in this process, otherwise you may find yourself becoming easily overwhelmed and frustrated if you do not see immediate results. If you catch yourself becoming overly self-critical or feel your anxiety increasing, it could be helpful to listen to a peaceful and grounding meditation. This season could also be a perfect time for you to find creative ways to incorporate your love of travel and exploration into your daily routine. Overall, Taurus season will be the time for you to focus on finding a balance between stability, adventure, and finding ways to improve various aspects of your health while also staying true to your adventurous spirit.
Capricorn (December 23 - January 19)
Capricorns can expect Taurus season 2023 to be a time of practicality and focus. The grounded energy of Taurus aligns well with your natural drive of determination. During this time, you may find yourself focusing on financial stability, career advancement, or long-term goals. You may be motivated to take practical steps towards achieving success, and may find yourself working harder than usual to make progress. It is important for you to remember to take care of yourself and your inner child during this season, as the focused energy of Taurus can sometimes lead to neglect of other important areas of life. It’s all about finding a different definition of productive. Spending time outside, with friends and with yourself are also forms of productivity that you are encouraged to engage in during this time. You may also need to guard against becoming too rigid or inflexible in your thinking and decision-making, as Taurus energy can sometimes be resistant to change. However, you can use this season to your advantage by harnessing the practical, determined energy to make progress towards your goals and future plans.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
As an Aquarius, you may experience some tension and challenges during this season, as you tend to enjoy independence, innovation, and a more unconventional approach to life. It’s important for you to set appropriate boundaries with those you have close relationships with, specifically family members, while also remembering to respect the boundaries of others. During this time, you need to balance your desire for freedom and innovation with the practical demands of Taurus energy, this includes focusing on building a solid foundation in various areas of your life. This could involve paying more attention to your finances, career, or relationships, and taking steps to create more stability and security in these areas. It will also be beneficial for you to seek out new experiences and opportunities that align with your values and goals. Overall, this season is a time for you to find a balance between stability and innovation, while also staying true to your independent spirit.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Taurus season is a time for creation, Pisces, something you know well. With Taurus energy harmonizing with your own, your sector of creativity and communication will be activated. As a sensitive and intuitive person, you will be more focused on your emotional and spiritual growth during this time. You may also feel more grounded during this season, as the earthly energies of Taurus can help you feel more anchored and connected to the physical world. It will be important for you to find ways to balance your intuitive side with the practical demands of creating a secure life. This could involve taking time to nurture your spiritual and emotional growth, while also being mindful of the need for stability in your life. The sun in Taurus will help make your thoughts tangible, and you’ll be feeling more motivated to bring these concepts to fruition. If you have creative projects to share with the world, this is the time to put them out there!