Cool Dorms on Campus
Photographed by Andrew Travis of Emma Watson and Kiersten Spegel
By Jack Turpen
Emma Watson
Emma Watson is a Junior here at Central Michigan University, majoring in Psychology. She lives in Northwest on-campus apartments. According to Watson, her decorating style for her home includes "plenty of bright colors" and "strange gathered stuff." She is a very big fan of the artist, Emma Attenbury. She owns 15 prints by Attenbury, all of which are hung up in her room. Watson says Attenbury “is literally the queen of my world. I love her so much.” One of Watson’s favorite pieces is a clock made from a record of the album Purple Rain, by Prince. Watson is also a big fan of plants, she says “I center my room around my plants cause they can only go in certain spots.” She described how as they grow, they start to become inconvenient. In her experience, one has "grown from where it is (hanging from the sealing) all the way to the ground," according to Watson. She has really enjoyed living in Northwest on-campus apartments, as this is her second year living there. She appreciates having her own space as it is only her and one other person, allowing her to have her own room. Watson continues to improve her room, making her space an interesting and colorful dream.
Kirsten Spegel
Kirsten Spegel is a Sophomore majoring in Communications, Sciences and Disorders, looking to work in Speech Therapy. She stays in a premium dorm in Campbell Hall, however, she only has one roommate instead of four like the regular rooms on her floor. "I've made practically everything in my room," says Spegel regarding her preference for using homemade decorations in her living space. She has a variety of different art projects on her wall, including two mirrors, one of which she painted and the other made using clay. She describes her colorful aesthetic as "very college esc, like this is not how any future home would look like it's very dorm room," adding that she thinks it "is very dorm room." One of Spegel’s favorite pieces is the mirror she painted on her wall. She also really loves her wall with all of her posters that she printed. Spegel said “it makes my room look really cool, and the fact that it was free is a bonus. I printed everything out at home.” She has a large tapestry of a chicken that she calls “Chicken Joe” that she also, humorously, finds really fitting in her space. Spegel finds all her inspiration coming from her Pinterest boards. She has several different boards for her room decor ideas. As far as living in Campbell, Spegel enjoys “the kitchenette and how tall the ceilings are.” Spegel continues to create amazing things to hang on her walls, as she is always looking to add a little more.